Thursday 23 February 2012

Learning to have eclectic music tastes like me!!: Once in a while I recall an artist who’s talent is...

Learning to have eclectic music tastes like me!!: Once in a while I recall an artist who’s talent is...: Once in a while I recall an artist who’s talent isn’t heard much any more, and feel I would like to revive and share the music.... ...
Once in a while I recall an artist whose talent isn’t heard much any more, and feel I would like to revive and share the music....
This guy is really a brilliant writer and performer, and is still touring after stopping for 20 years to raise his family.
Maybe you’ll remember some of these .........
These are all from his career after Supertramp---The catalogue of Supertramp stuff he wrote is LEGEND
You’ll recognize the voice right away from many huge Supertramp hits.
In Jeopardy-From his first solo album after leaving Supertramp--- Album was called (In The Eye Of The Storm), (‘84 I think).
(a little bit of the fade-out ending is cut off)[not too bad]
Can’t do much about the language in comment’s section by some idiots.
Here’s a second video of In Jeopardy,....with the full, proper ending.
(It’s worth listening to again anyway)
Had A Dream(Sleeping With The Enemy)Biggest commercial hit (also from In The Eye Of The Storm)
It’s raucous, but delivered a big message with over 2 million sales.
Now for a simply peaceful, beautiful tune.
Desert Love- from his 2nd. solo album(Hai Hai) of 1987--
Video shot from inside the car as they travel through the desert and mountains of Egypt.
Nothing fancy,....just passing a few vehicles along the way, amidst the barren scenery.
Something just grabs you about the combination of music and surroundings.
I still can’t stop playing it.
London- also from (Hai Hai)- I love the bounciness of this neat tune.
Here’s how he sounds, from last year- live in Germany- doing “London” again.....
Roger wrote a song to express the loss of a loved one (not sure who it was, or the relationship to him).
It is a beautifully written set of lyrics,and a lovely ballad, called Puppet Dance-
also from the (Hai Hai) album
Overall, if you liked Supertramp, just listen to any or all of Roger’s songs, and it’ll be like listening to the band again.
Excellent. Hope you enjoy.
That’s all for now.